Mariage pour tous: Deux papas valent mieux qu’un qu’ils disaient (Two dads can be much worse than one) quelqu’un scandalisait un de ces petits qui croient en moi, il vaudrait mieux pour lui qu’on suspendît à son cou une meule de moulin et qu’on le jetât au fond de la mer. Jésus (Matthieu 18: 6)
Comme disent mes deux mamans, la famille c’est sacré ! Pub Eram
Les homosexuels seront les égaux des hétérosexuels le jour où ils auront le droit d’être aussi nuls que certains hétérosexuels. D’après Françoise Giroud
Les pédophiles ne sont pas simplement des gens qui commettent un petit délit de temps en temps mais qui sont en proie à ce qui équivaut à une orientation sexuelle, exactement comme un autre individu peut être en proie à son hétérosexualité ou même son homosexualité. Les vrais pédophiles ont une préférence exclusive pour les enfants, ce qui revient au même que d’avoir une orientation sexuelle. On ne peut changer l’orientation sexuelle de cette personne. Elle peut, cependant, rester abstinente. (…)  Si, par exemple, nous vivions dans une société où l’hétérosexualité était proscrite ou interdite et qu’on vous dise que vous devez faire une thérapie pour changer votre orientation sexuelle, vous diriez probablement que c’est un peu dingue. En d’autres mots, vous ne l’accepteriez pas du tout. J’utilise cette analogie pour dire qu’en effet les pédophiles ne changent pas leur orientation sexuelle. Van Gijseghem (psychologue et ancien professeur à l’université de Montréal)
Il n’y a aucune preuve que ce type de préférence puisse être changé par un traitement ou quoi que ce soit d’autre. Dr Quinsey (professeur émérite de psychologie à l’université de Queen à Kingston dans l’Ontario)
La pédophilie est une orientation sexuelle peu susceptible de changement. Un traitement vise à rendre quelqu’un capable de résister à agir selon ses pulsions sexuelles.  Harvard Publications Médicales
Tout cela fait partie d’un plan pour inciter à la sexualité des enfants de plus en plus jeunes ; pour les convaincre qu’une amitié normale est en réalité une attirance sexuelle. Linda Harvey (Mission America)
La pornographie infantile pourrait être bénéfique à la société parce que les délinquants sexuels potentiels usent de la pornographie infantile comme d’un substitut à des relations sexuelles pédophiles. Milton Diamond (professeur à l’université d’Hawaï et directeur du Centre Pacifique pour Sexe et Société)
The New Family Structures Study (NFSS) is a social-science data-collection project that fielded a survey to a large, random sample of American young adults (ages 18-39) who were raised in different types of family arrangements. In this debut article of the NFSS, I compare how the young-adult children of a parent who has had a same-sex romantic relationship fare on 40 different social, emotional, and relational outcome variables when compared with six other family-of-origin types. The results reveal numerous, consistent differences, especially between the children of women who have had a lesbian relationship and those with still-married (heterosexual) biological parents. The results are typically robust in multivariate contexts as well, suggesting far greater diversity in lesbian-parent household experiences than convenience-sample studies of lesbian families have revealed. Mark Regnerus
La famille nucléaire biologiquement intacte et stable semble être, même si c’est une fausse impression, une espèce en voie de disparition. Cependant, elle demeure l’environnement le plus sain et sécurisant pour le développement de l’enfant. […] Ce qu’affirmaient les sociologues Sarah McLanahan et Gary Sandefur en 1994 reste une réalité : ” S’il nous était demandé de concevoir un système destiné à répondre aux besoins essentiels de l’enfant, nous finirions probablement par inventer quelque chose d’assez proche de l’idéal d’une famille avec deux parents.” Ses avantages sont amplement démontrés : accès au temps et à l’argent de deux adultes, un système d’équilibre des pouvoirs, une double connexion biologique à l’enfant, le tout renforçant la “probabilité que les parents s’identifient à l’enfant et soient capable de se sacrifier pour cet enfant, ce qui réduirait la probabilité que l’un des parents abuse de l’enfant. Mark Regnerus
Why gays would want consent laws overthrown is not in question. Youth is a commodity in the gay world, a pearl of great price. For gays, both male and female, it’s the younger the better. Skeptics should recall Kevin Jennings, Obama’s « bullying » czar, expressing shock when it was pointed out that he himself had broken the law by not reporting that an older man was sexually exploiting a student under his guardianship. The idea never occurred to him. This attitude is not alien to lesbians either. Recall Paula Poundstone’s contretemps of a decade ago, or the fact that Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues at one time contained a passage involving a 13-year-old girl being seduced by an older woman. Ensler characterized this as a « good rape, » presumably because it introduced the character to the romance and grandeur of the gay lifestyle. Gays view consent laws to be imposition on their way of life, to be discarded with the rest of the constraints of heterosexual life. A major irony lies in the fact that this is taking place in Florida, long the Western world’s pedophile capital. At times it seems that every other week the Sunshine state produces news of one more rape, murder, or ravaging of a child. Who can forget the surveillance tape showing eleven-year-old Carlie Brucia being dragged off to her death by a crack addict? If by some chance gays do succeed in demolishing the consent laws, along with the legal structure intended to safeguard the nation’s children, they will be giving a green light to predators exactly like that one — something else we will owe to the rainbow crowd. I have long been convinced that the seemingly invincible steamroller of the « gay rights » movement will be brought to a screeching halt when people become aware of what it means for their children. This seamy underside has been carefully hidden by gay activists such as Jennings with the cooperation of our honest media. The Hunt case may well represent a crack in that façade. American thinker
It’s a happy, relaxed family scene. But it wasn’t an easy road to get there. After many hurdles Drake was born by surrogacy in Russia. “We decided that we would have a child, that it was time for us to have a family. We wanted to experience the joys of fatherhood and we started our surrogacy over in the United States back in 2002,” Pete said. (…) After many failed attempts in the US, the cost was becoming prohibitive. The pair decided to try Russia as cheaper alternative. (…) In fact, it wasn’t the mother who got in the way of Drake coming back to Australia with his two Dads. What followed was two and a half years of bureaucracy before the child received permanent Australian residency and another year before he got citizenship. On arrival in Australia customs quizzed Mark and Pete for hours. Police were also sent around to their house on a Sunday morning to investigate. “When people see two guys together, you know it’s like, ‘Where’s his mother?’ We’ve had a lot of people ask that,” Pete said. “I think that even if one of us was a woman, we wouldn’t have had the same suspicions and problems that we went through.” Thinking back to the police visit, Pete said the police seemed to want reassurance that the situation was ‘right’. They checked if the couple had equipment to raise a child like a bed, clothes and bottles. Mark said he’s sure that they were under suspicion of paedophilia. But despite the difficulties, he said the couple would do it again with no hesitation. “We’re a family just like any other family,” he said with pride. Australian Broadcasting Company (2010)
I was putting together a series of interviews on gender. This particular interview was with a couple who were gay dads, and they had been on a long journey to have a child via surrogacy. I felt no sense that anything was wrong. For all intents and purposes this appeared to be a loving family and a loving household. And I’ve gone over and over it in my brain and I just did not feel that anything was wrong. I’m profoundly shocked and disgusted by what’s happened. Since then I am just revolted and I find myself quite despairing about the turn of events. Ginger Gorham (ABC radio)
One way they control and manipulated this child was to appear to the outside world as a good parent. And one of the things they did was they trained this child how to answer questions from potential investigators. Steven Debrota (Deputy US attorney, indianapolis)
One video showed Boy one performing sex acts on Newton, with a disturbing level of sophistication when he wasn’t even two years old. When the boy turned five, in one month alone, Newton video himself engaging in sexual activity with Boy one on more than a dozen different occasions. US authorities have found videos involving two more boys at Truong and Newton’s Cairns home. Caro Meldrum-Hanna (ABC)
Six hundred and seventy suspects have been identified. One hundred and eighty four arrests have already been made, and 230 children as victims of this terrible crimes have been identified and rescued from further harm. Interpol official
En 2005, la presse australienne avait couvert l’arrivée du bébé chez eux, décrivant Newton et Truong comme « deux pères heureux et aimants ». Et elle avait remis ça en 2010 : le 14 juillet, ABC Far NOrth Queensland a diffusé un reportage sous le titre « Deux papas valent mieux qu’un », soulignant tous les obstacles que les deux hommes avaient dû franchir pour faire aboutir leur projet et s’extasiant devant leur assurance de ne « rien regretter » malgré les efforts qu’il avait fallu fournir pour devenir « pères ». « C’est une famille heureuse et détendue », commentait alors ABC. Jeanne Smits
Part of a now increasingly familiar genre of journalistic advocacy for gay adoption, Gorham’s article was recently deleted from the Australian network’s Web site (but retrieved from Google cache by a quick-thinking blogger) after it was revealed Friday that the men so enthusiastically profiled by Gorham were in fact key figures in one of the worst child pornography cases in memory. (…) Perhaps not coincidentally, while Truong and Newton’s crimes were reported by the Indianapolis Star, the New York Daily News and the Sydney Morning Herald, the New York Times appears uninterested in covering the atrocities committed by the Boy Lovers Network. However, the Times did find space today to publish yet another article on sex abuse by Catholic priests. It’s a good thing Newton and Truong weren’t Catholic — otherwise their crimes might be what editors of the New York Times considers an actual scandal. Robert Stacy McCain

Et si, contre l’actuelle mythologie ambiante, les papas homosexuels pouvaient être aussi mauvais que les papas normaux (pardon: hétérosexuels) ?

A l’heure où, de nos grands à nos petits écrans et de nos rues à nos magazines et à nos BD,  continue l’invraisemblable matraquage pro-homosexuel de nos vies quotidiennes …

Et où nos médias n’ont pas de mots assez durs pour dénoncer la montée en France des actes d’homophobie, l’interdiction russe des adoptions pour couples homosexuels ou la scandaleuse persécution de jeunes lesbiennes américaines accusées de détournement de mineures

Comment ne pas s’étonner de leur étrange silence  ..

Sur cette affaire de papas modèles américano-australiens dont l’un vient de se prendre 40 ans de prison pour avoir littéralement fait circuler leur enfant-GPA russe dans un réseau pédophile international …

Qui, comme l’avait rappelé François Giroud en d’autre temps pour les femmes et l’a largement démontré Barack Obama pour les noirs, constitue pourtant la plus éclatante preuve de l’accession à l’égalité depuis si longtemps attendue desdits homosexuels ?

Australie : « deux papas » homosexuels ont fait circuler leur enfant dans un réseau pédophile

Jeanne Smits

04 juillet, 2013

Australie, 2002. Mark Newton et Peter Truong, amants vivant ensemble à Cairns, ont envie d’un enfant. Ils vont mettre trois ans à faire aboutir leur projet de « gestation pour autrui » : pour la somme relativement modeste de 8.000 dollars, une femme russe a accepté de jouer les mères porteuses et de leur donner le bébé cinq jours après sa naissance.

Pour le petit « Adam » (son vrai prénom n’a pas été révélé) l’enfer commencera bientôt. D’après RT Novosti, ses deux « pères », comme les a complaisamment présentés la presse australienne, vont abuser de lui dès ses 22 mois. Puis, jusqu’à son sixième anniversaire, Newton et Truong, l’exploiteront en le proposant à des hommes qui faisaient partie, comme eux, d’un cercle international de pédopornographie connu sous le nom de « Boy Lovers network ».

Ils ont fait voyager le petit Adam à travers le monde pour qu’il serve d’objet sexuel à des hommes aux Etats-Unis, en France, en Allemagne… Selon Novosti, cité par LifeSite, au moins huit hommes ont pu abuser du garçon en Australie ou dans ces pays – il n’a dû son salut qu’à l’analyse d’images saisies internet par la police chez un pédophile connu à Wellington en Nouvelle Zélande. A partir de là, les « chats » entre Newton et Truong et leurs contacts du réseau pédophile ont permis de connaître la vérité sur ce couple homosexuel modèle et une perquisition dans leur domicile australien a révélé suffisamment de faits pour permettre aussitôt le placement du garçonnet dans un foyer d’accueil et d’arrêter ses « deux papas » (il semblerait que Mark Newton soit en effet son père).

L’enquête a abouti à la condamnation, la semaine dernière, de celui-ci aux Etats-Unis où il avait été arrêté : quarante ans de prison et 400.000 dollars de dommages-intérêts pour son fils, une peine qualifiée de pas assez sévère par le juge de district d’Indianapolis, Sarah Evans Barker. Elle a donné le maximum pour une cour de district ; on avait décidé de juger Newton à ce niveau pour éviter à un jury de devoir regarder les images concernant l’affaire. « Ces hommes ont soumis ce jeune enfant à des actes abominables d’exploitation parmi les pires que mon bureau ait eu à connaître », a souligné Joe Hogsett, U.S. Attorney (l’équivalent du procureur) après le jugement.

Peter Truong est encore en attente de jugement en Australie.

Sur place, la police australienne a déclaré que « la manière dont cet enfant est entré » dans la vie des deux hommes « est particulièrement triste ».

En 2005, la presse australienne avait couvert l’arrivée du bébé chez eux, décrivant Newton et Truong comme « deux pères heureux et aimants ». Et elle avait remis ça en 2010 : le 14 juillet, ABC Far NOrth Queensland a diffusé un reportage sous le titre « Deux papas valent mieux qu’un », soulignant tous les obstacles que les deux hommes avaient dû franchir pour faire aboutir leur projet et s’extasiant devant leur assurance de ne « rien regretter » malgré les efforts qu’il avait fallu fournir pour devenir « pères ». « C’est une famille heureuse et détendue », commentait alors ABC.

Au moment de sa condamnation, Mark Newton a déclaré qu’« être père était un honneur et un privilège » qui lui ont permis de « vivre les six meilleures années » de sa vie. « Les paroles ne font rien », a rétorqué le juge : « Que dire ? Que peut-on faire pour effacer ne serait-ce qu’une partie de cette horreur » ?

La Russie a décidé d’interdire les adoptions américaines ainsi que l’adoption par des couples homosexuels ou par des célibataires ayant leur résidence dans des pays reconnaissant le « mariage » des homosexuels ou l’adoption homosexuelle ; le médiateur pour les droits des enfants, Pavel Astakhov, a déclaré que ces mesures ont été prises pour empêcher ce genre d’affaires. « Les orphelins russes ont toujours attiré les pervers étrangers en raison de leur facilité d’accès. Ces étrangers venaient simplement pour prendre des enfants contre paiement ».

Voir aussi:

Depraved man and his partner bought a Russian boy for $8,000 and began sexually abusing him on film from the age of ONE

Mark J Newton was given 40 years for child pornography and sexual exploitation of a minor

Newton and his partner bought a baby boy for $8000 in Russia in 2005

Evidence shows sexual abuse occurred before the child was two years old

The men were arrested in California in 2012

Russian President Vladimir Putin today signed laws limiting the adoption of Russian children by foreign gay couples

Daily Mail Reporter and Associated Press

The Daily Mail

4 July 2013

A man accused of making child pornography with a boy he and his Australian partner purchased in Russia for a reported $8000 was sentenced Friday in U.S. federal court in Indiana.

According to investigators, dual Australian-American citizen Mark J Newton, 42, and his partner Peter Truong, 36, used a falsified birth certificate listing Newton as the child’s biological father to adopt the boy and take him to their home in Cairns in Queensland, Australia.

Newton was sentenced to 40 years in an Indiana court, where the videos were found downloaded on a home computer after pleading guilty to conspiracy charges involving possessing child pornography and sexual exploitation of a minor.

The judge overseeing the case said she accepted the plea agreement only because the videos were too horrific to show a jury.

Australia’s ABC News reports that the boy, now eight, had been living with the men in Cairns for several years when in 2011 New Zealand authorities discovered evidence on a New Zealand man’s computer that the boy had been used in child pornography.

Australian police raided the couple’s house in 2011, just after the men and the boy had left for the United States.

Police discovered a ‘mountain of material’ and seized computers, electronic equipment and documents that uncovered high-definition video and images of child exploitation.

During the hearing, prosecutors said the charges stemmed from abuse that occurred when the boy was four to six years old. But prosecutors said they discovered video this week showing Newton using the boy for a sex act when he was less than two years old.

Investigators also allege the man and his partner took the boy to foreign countries where they allowed other men to abuse him, often recording the acts.

The videos were uploaded to an international syndicate known as the Boy Lovers Network.

The Boy Lovers Network is known to police as a forum for men who describe sexual abuse of boys between the ages of two and 10 as a form of consensual love between man and boy.

According to 7:30, had 70,000 members worldwide before it was the subject of a series of global raids that resulted in the arrests of 670 men around the world.

‘These men submitted this young child to some of the most heinous acts of exploitation that this office has ever seen,’ Indiana U.S. Attorney Joe Hogsett said in a statement late Friday, following the hearing.

Newton and Truong had been living with the boy in California when they were arrested in 2012. Prosecutors said the boy had been rescued and was being cared for in California.

U.S. District Judge Sarah Evans Barker said the man sentenced Friday deserved a harsher punishment, but she didn’t want to subject jurors to such disturbing evidence.

‘This is not a case that lends itself to easy understanding,’ Barker said during the hearing.

In a quaking voice, the shackled Newton stood before Barker and apologized, saying ‘being a father was an honor and a privilege that amounted to the best six years of my life.’

‘I’m deeply sorry,’ he added. ‘And I regret any harm I caused to my son or anyone else.’

‘Words don’t help,’ Barker responded. ‘What can be said? What can be done to erase some of the horror of this?’

The judge noted that Newton and Truong went to great lengths to ‘acquire’ an infant from a mother in Russia and brainwashed him into thinking the abuse he endured was normal.

Federal prosecutor Steve DeBrota said the crimes occurred in Australia, the U.S., France and Germany. U.S. authorities also found videos involving two more boys at Truong and Newton’s Cairns home.

DeBrota said evidence showed at least eight men had sexually abused the boy, including one in Illinois and one in Florida, though other details weren’t released.

Newton was also ordered to pay $400,000 in restitution to the boy.

Monica Foster, chief public defender for the Southern Indiana U.S. District, declined comment following the hearing.

The document also said the men used falsified documents to bring the boy to the U.S. and to legalize the adoption in Los Angeles.

Pornographic recordings of the abuse were found on computers in San Francisco; Arlington, Virginia; and Anderson, Indiana, according to investigators. U.S. postal inspectors worked with federal prosecutors to trace the pornography to its source.

Truong is awaiting his sentence, while two other American men have also been charged.

Queensland police officer Jon Rouse, who investigates online child exploitation as part of Taskforce Argos, says authorities in Australia won’t rest until all the men involved in the network have been caught.

‘With this network, rest assured that we will pursue them to the ends of the Earth to make sure each and every one of them faces justice for what their role has been in crimes against this child,’ he told 7.30.

‘The purchase of the child for the explicit and sole purpose of exploiting him across a network of men is incredibly depraved and a very sad tale for that little boy.’

Truong and Newton evaded detection for six years, appearing for all intents and purposes as doting parents of a little boy, until the chance discovery in New Zealand exposed their true motivations.


President Vladimir Putin has signed a bill that sharply limits the adoption of Russian children by people from countries that allow same-sex marriage.

The new law prohibits adoption by same-sex foreign couples whose homeland recognizes their union as marriage, as well as by single people or unmarried couples from those countries.

A Kremlin statement said the measure is intended to guarantee children a ‘harmonious’ upbringing and protect them from ‘complexes, emotional suffering and stress.’

The bill signed Wednesday is the latest move by Russia to buck the Western trend toward greater acceptance of homosexuality. On Sunday, Putin approved a ban on giving children any information about gays.

The adoption bill further shrinks the possibilities for 600,000 Russian children without parental custody. Last year, Russia banned all adoptions by Americans.

Voir également:

“Two Dads are Better Than One”: pro-gay adoption ABC profile of convicted pedophile

Earlier, I blogged about how Mark Newton had been convicted for pedophilia and received a 40-year prison sentence. This was reported earlier by the Sydney Morning Herald.

Since then, I was notified about a pro-gay-adoption article from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, in which the pedophile and his partner were profiled.

The article has been pulled from the ABC web site, but I found it in Google cache, and made a PDF of it.

Full text:

Headline: Two dads are better than one
Date: 14 July, 2010 5:04PM AEST
Author: Ginger Gorman

A shiny child’s bike lies on its side on the front lawn of an immaculate garden.

Around the back gay dads Pete and Mark chase their son’s pet chickens around, trying to catch them.

Drake, 5, exclaims that the little birds are too fast for him.

It’s a happy, relaxed family scene. But it wasn’t an easy road to get there. After many hurdles Drake was born by surrogacy in Russia.

“We decided that we would have a child, that it was time for us to have a family. We wanted to experience the joys of fatherhood and we started our surrogacy over in the United States back in 2002,” Pete said.

At the time, Pete and Mark were living and working in the US.

“Surrogacy rules and laws are much easier in the United States,” Mark said.

While not everybody was comfortable with the idea of surrogacy, Mark said the couple felt their options were limited.

“We knew that there were certainly plenty of women willing to do it so if it OK with them, then I guess it was OK with us,” he said.

Mark and Pete used the internet to find prospective mothers for the child they longed to have. Apart from the woman’s health, Pete said one of the big concerns was how genuine the candidates were.

“We have heard about a lot of scams and certain people who represent themselves as so-called surrogate mothers who are really out there just to make money,” he said.

Pete said the couple also wanted to make sure that any woman they employed as a surrogate fully understood the commitment she was making.

There was also the issue of whether the mother would actually give up her baby, Mark added.

After many failed attempts in the US, the cost was becoming prohibitive. The pair decided to try Russia as cheaper alternative.

That decision presented its own problems. Language was the main one. The couple took on a private Russian tutor and Pete gave up his job in Australia to oversee the process.

“We were very dedicated to making this work….we decided that at some point we didn’t have a budget. Our budget was anything that we had earned, anything that we had saved, anything that we could borrow to make this happen,” Pete said.

In the end Pete said they found a woman who they ‘clicked with personality-wise’.

“She was very quiet. She didn’t have a lot of demands or conditions that some of the other woman that we had met had. She seemed like somebody we could work with,” he said.

At the first attempt, Drake was conceived via artificial insemination using Mark’s sperm.

When asked why it was Mark’s sperm and not Pete’s, Mark laughed.

“A flip of the coin I think,” he said.

During the pregnancy the couple stayed in limited contact with the mother via a translator. Mostly they were in touch just when there were practical things to care of such as visiting a doctor or getting an ultrasound.

“We made it clear to her that we wanted her to take vitamins, that we wanted her to eat well. We provided the money to do that and we just had to hope that she would do it,” Mark said.

Neither man was at Drake’s birth because they felt it was important to protect the mother’s privacy.

When their son was five days old, Mark and Pete were handed their child. To their surprise, Drake’s mother gave them the baby and walked away.

“I think she had resigned herself to this much earlier on and was trying not to let emotions get in the way,” Mark said.

In fact, it wasn’t the mother who got in the way of Drake coming back to Australia with his two Dads. What followed was two and a half years of bureaucracy before the child received permanent Australian residency and another year before he got citizenship.

On arrival in Australia customs quizzed Mark and Pete for hours. Police were also sent around to their house on a Sunday morning to investigate.

“When people see two guys together, you know it’s like, ‘Where’s his mother?’ We’ve had a lot of people ask that,” Pete said.

“I think that even if one of us was a woman, we wouldn’t have had the same suspicions and problems that we went through.”

Thinking back to the police visit, Pete said the police seemed to want reassurance that the situation was ‘right’.

They checked if the couple had equipment to raise a child like a bed, clothes and bottles.

Mark said he’s sure that they were under suspicion of paedophilia. But despite the difficulties, he said the couple would do it again with no hesitation.

“We’re a family just like any other family,” he said with pride.

ABC has since pulled the article from their web site, to cover up what they did. The caption from the image in the article is: “Proud dads Pete (left) and Mark (right), had their son Drake by surrogacy in Russia. (Ginger Gorman – ABC)”. And you can still download the MP3 file from the article here, although I took a copy here. You can hear the proud dads talking with the ABC journalist in the MP3 file.

You can also find an article from a campus newspaper written by Mark Newton in which he advocates for gay marriage. I saved it as a PDF here. The article is from a campus newspaper called the Daily 49er from California State University, Long Beach.

UPDATE: Ace journalist Robert S. McCain is trying to dig into the story, but the ABC journalist who wrote the story has blocked him.

UPDATE: This post has been linked by the American Spectator and the Australian Daily Telegraph, as well as many other blogs. (See the

Voir aussi:

Disturbing child abuse case links Australians to paedophile ring

Two Australian men hid their role in a disturbing child abuse case behind an image of two doting fathers, but the shocking evidence against them is part of a police effort to break an international paedophile ring, and a warning that this report contains confronting material.

Caro Meldrum-Hanna

Australian Broadcasting Company

Jul 2, 2013


LEIGH SALES, PRESENTER: It’s a case that defies belief and goes against every principle of parenthood.

An Australian man and his partner purchased a baby boy in Russia in 2005, presenting themselves as a devoted pair of gay fathers.

In reality, behind closed doors, they were sexually abusing the boy and allowing others to do the same from when he was less than two years old.

On the weekend Australian citizen Mark Newton was sentenced in the US to 40 years in prison. His partner Peter Truong is awaiting his sentence.

Caro Meldrum Hanna has this report and a warning this story contains disturbing and explicit sexual references.

GINGER GORMAN, ABC RADIO: Testing this is Ginger from ABC far north.

CARO MELDRUM-HANNA, REPORTER: It was June 2010, ABC local radio presenter Ginger Gorman was setting out to meet an interesting family in Trinity Beach in Far North Queensland.

GINGER GORMAN: I was putting together a series of interviews on gender. This particular interview was with a couple who were gay dads, and they had been on a long journey to have a child via surrogacy.

CARO MELDRUM-HANNA: On all appearances American man Mark Newton and his Australian partner, Peter Truong, were a proud couple. Pictured here posing with their adopted son who we will call Boy one. These are the sounds Ginger Gorman recorded that day, playing with the boy and his pet baby chickens in the backyard.

PETER TRUONG: Have you fed them this morning?


PETER TRUONG: Oh, here’s one.

BOY ONE: One’s harder to get.


GINGER GORMAN: Do you know what this chicken’s name is?

BOY ONE: No, I haven’t figured out the name.

PETER TRUONG: I don’t think he’s named them yet.

BOY ONE: I gonna call them chick nasty.

GINGER GORMAN: I felt no sense that anything was wrong. For all intents and purposes this appeared to be a loving family and a loving household. And I’ve gone over and over it in my brain and I just did not feel that anything was wrong.

CARO MELDRUM-HANNA: Mark Newton and Peter Truong were masters of deception, starting with finding a surrogate mother abroad.


PETER TRUONG: I gave up my career and my job and went to Russia to oversee the process and so obviously we’re very dedicated to making this work. Our budget was anything that we earned, anything we had saved and anything that we could borrow to make this happen.

GINGER GORMAN: And why was it your sperm that was used, and not Pete’s, Mark?

MARK NEWTON: A flip of the coin I think. We’d gone back and forth several times.

CARO MELDRUM-HANNA: This was the first of many lies told by Newton and Truong, whose depraved secret life was uncovered a year and a half later, when in February 2012 the men were arrested in California. Charged with producing and sharing child pornography and extreme acts of sexual exploitation.

GINGER GORMAN: I’m profoundly shocked and disgusted by what’s happened. Since then I am just revolted and I find myself quite despairing about the turn of events.

JON ROUSE, QUEENSLAND POLICE: The purchase of a child to bring the child into your life for the explicit and sole purpose of exploiting him across a network of men is incredibly depraved and a very, very sad tale for that little boy.

CARO MELDRUM-HANNA: The sad story of Boy 1’s life begins here in Russia. According to US court documents, in July 2005 his mother sold him to Newton and Truong for US$8,000. His birth papers were falsified to list Newton and his biological father, paving the way for Boy one to be adopted and brought to Queensland. Six years would pass until August 2011 when a chance discovery was made here in Wellington, New Zealand, by Jon Peacock, a senior internal affairs investigator.

JON PEACOCK, NZ DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS: During the investigation of a Wellington man, the forensic analysis of his machine identified a series of images of Boy one who was shirtless. And they were quite contrived staged photos, if you like that just, as I said, didn’t sit right in terms of standard family holiday type snap shots.

CARO MELDRUM-HANNA: Peacock sent the images to police attached to Operation Argus in Brisbane. The specialised branch responsible for investigating online child exploitation and abuse.

JON PEACOCK: Our reaction is exactly what Jon’s was, and that’s what sparked the investigation.

CARO MELDRUM-HANNA: The images were the tip of the iceberg. Police discovered chat logs between Truong, Newton and the New Zealand man, where they bragged about having sex with their son Boy one, since he was little. And had given him to several other men around the world for sex, including two men based in Indianapolis in the US who are being investigated by police.

STEVEN DEBROTA, DEPUTY US ATTORNEY, INDIANAPOLIS: When he was about five years of age the conspiracy was joined, we allege, by Mr Powell who is an attorney in Florida in the United States, and Mr Beda who is a tennis coach in Illinois in the United States. They got involved with Boy one, we allege, when he was about four to five years of age.

CARO MELDRUM-HANNA: The four men form part of a network known broadly as the Boy Lovers Network, men who believe that the sexual abuse and rape of boys from as young as two years old to 10 years old, is a form of consensual love between man and boy. At its height, this chat board, had 70,000 members worldwide. In 2009 was smashed in a series of global raids with several Australian men arrested.

UNKNOWN: Six hundred and seventy suspects have been identified. One hundred and eighty four arrests have already been made, and 230 children as victims of this terrible crimes have been identified and rescued from further harm.

JON ROUSE: They are intrinsically networked, they have a very strict code of communication between themselves and certainly as this case highlighted, their level of cooperation is usually very, very low.

CARO MELDRUM-HANNA: When task force Argos raided Truong and Newton’s Cairns home in October 2011, a mountain of material was discovered on encrypted hard drives and computer networks. It was handed over to US prosecutors.

STEVEN DEBROTA: Took me personally one solid week working 10 hour days to get through all of the child pornography that was just the videos filmed in Australia, in France and in different places across the US.

CARO MELDRUM-HANNA: One video showed Boy one performing sex acts on Newton, with a disturbing level of sophistication when he wasn’t even two years old. When the boy turned five, in one month alone, Newton video himself engaging in sexual activity with Boy one on more than a dozen different occasions.

STEVEN DEBROTA: One way they control and manipulated this child was to appear to the outside world as a good parent. And one of the things they did was they trained this child how to answer questions from potential investigators.

CARO MELDRUM-HANNA: US authorities have found videos involving two more boys at Truong and Newton’s Cairns home.

STEVEN DEBROTA: I can’t say too much about the identity of that child. I can say that the victimisation of Boy two occurred in Australia. We can confirm that this conspiracy we allege involving Boy one, Boy two and others was international in scope.

CARO MELDRUM-HANNA: The authorities are now determined to track down every man who abused Boy one.

JON ROUSE: With this network just be rest assured that we will pursue them to the ends of the Earth to make sure each and every one of them faces justice for what their role has been in crimes against this child.

LEIGH SALES: Caro Meldrum-Hanna reporting.

Voir également:

Police vow to smash paedophile ring that abused boy trafficked by adoptive parents

Caro Meldrum-Hanna

ABC News

Wed Jul 3, 2013

Police have vowed to hunt down every member of an international paedophile network that sexually abused a boy who was trafficked by his adoptive parents.

Australian man Peter Truong and his partner Mark Newton bought the child, who the ABC will call Boy 1, from Russia in 2005.

His birth papers were falsified to list Newton as his biological father, paving the way for Boy 1 to be adopted and brought to Queensland.

Police say the men allowed at least eight men in several different countries, including Australia, the US, Germany and France, to molest the boy when he was between two and six years old.

US authorities have also found videos involving two more boys at Truong and Newton’s Cairns home.

At the weekend, Newton was sentenced to 40 years in jail for his crimes. Truong is awaiting his sentence, while two other American men have also been charged.

Queensland police officer Jon Rouse, who investigates online child exploitation as part of Taskforce Argos, says authorities will not rest until all the men involved in the network are behind bars.

« With this network, rest assured that we will pursue them to the ends of the Earth to make sure each and every one of them faces justice for what their role has been in crimes against this child, » he told 7.30.

« The purchase of the child for the explicit and sole purpose of exploiting him across a network of men is incredibly depraved and very sad tale for that little boy. »

Truong and Newton evaded detection for six years, until a chance discovery exposed their depraved life and their paedophile network.

Rest assured that we will pursue them to the ends of the Earth to make sure each and every one of them faces justice for what their role has been in crimes against this child.

Queensland police officer Jon Rouse

In 2011, New Zealand authorities discovered images revealing the boy had been used in child pornography.

They alerted Taskforce Argos and Queensland police raided the couple’s house, just after the men and the boy had left for the US.

Police seized computers, electronic equipment and documents that uncovered high-definition video and images of child exploitation.

One video showed Boy 1 performing sex acts on Newton with a disturbing level of sophistication when he was not even two years old.

When he turned five, in one month alone Newton videoed himself engaging in sexual activity with Boy 1 on more than a dozen different occasions.

« One way they controlled and manipulated this child was to appear to the outside world as a good parent, » said Steven Debrota, the deputy US attorney in Indianapolis.

« One of the things they did was they trained this child how to answer questions for particular investigators.

« So this was a psychological manipulation of the child. »

ABC local radio presenter Ginger Gorman, who interviewed Truong and Newton before their crimes were exposed, agrees the pair put on a loving front.

« I felt no sense anything was wrong. For all intents and purposes this appeared to be a loving family and a loving household. I’ve gone over and over about it in my brain and I did not feel anything was wrong, » she said.

Videos show other boys abused

US authorities also found videos involving two more boys at Truong and Newton’s Cairns home.

« I can’t say too much about the identity of that child, » Mr Debrota said. « I can say that the victimisation of Boy 2 occurred in Australia.

« Under US law we can’t say very much to identify Boy 1 or Boy 2, but it is the case and we can confirm that the conspiracy we allege involving Boy 1, Boy 2 and others was international in scope. »

Police also found chat logs between Truong and Newton and a New Zealand man in which they bragged about how they had been having sex with Boy 1 since he was little.

They also bragged they had given him to several other men around the world for sex, including two American men who were being investigated by police.

Mr Debrota says the two US men allegedly became involved with Boy 1 when he was aged five.

The four men form part of a network known broadly as Boy Lovers – men who believe the sexual abuse and rape of boys aged between two and 10 is a form of consensual love between man and boy.

In 2009 the network’s chatboard was smashed in a series of global raids, with several Australian men arrested.

Boy 1 remains in state care in the US.

Voir encore:

A Duranty Prize Contender?

Robert Stacy McCain

The American Spectator


Everyone knows — or should know — that the Pulitzer Prizes and the New York Times are irretrievably disgraced by the 1932 Pulitzer awarded to Walter Duranty. For 15 years as the Times’ Moscow bureau chief, Duranty provided some of the most shamefully blood-soaked lies ever to be called “journalism.” Duranty reliably parroted Soviet propaganda and disparaged those who told the truth about the murderous regime of Bolshevik dictator Josef Stalin. (See Arnold Beichman’s 2003 article “Pulitzer-Winning Lies.”) The Times has not repudiated, nor has the Pulitzer committee revoked, the prize awarded to Duranty for his “reporting” that amounted to a deliberate cover-up of the genocidal terror-famine by which Stalin starved to death millions of Ukrainian peasants.

Probably nothing could ever compare to the permanent stain Duranty inflicted on the profession of journalism, although Ginger Gorham of the Australian Broadcasting Company is certainly deserving of recognition. In July 2010, Gorham produced a feature profile with the headline, “Two dads are better than one,” which glowingly told of the “happy, relaxed family scene” at the home of two men identified only by their first names, Mark and Peter. Gorham’s article sympathetically portrayed the struggles the couple said they had finding a surrogate mother, trying for three years before finding a Russian woman willing to be artificially inseminated and bear a child for them. The couple then faced difficulty bringing the child to Australia after his birth in 2005. “What followed was two and a half years of bureaucracy before the child received permanent Australian residency and another year before he got citizenship,” Gorham wrote.

Part of a now increasingly familiar genre of journalistic advocacy for gay adoption, Gorham’s article was recently deleted from the Australian network’s Web site (but retrieved from Google cache by a quick-thinking blogger) after it was revealed Friday that the men so enthusiastically profiled by Gorham were in fact key figures in one of the worst child pornography cases in memory:

Authorities in Australia say they intend to apprehend and prosecute every member of an international child pornography ring that exploited a boy who was molested from infancy by two men who reportedly created him with a Russian surrogate mother. “With this network, rest assured that we will pursue them to the ends of the Earth to make sure each and every one of them faces justice for what their role has been in crimes against this child,” Queensland Police Officer Jon Rouse told the Australian Broadcasting Company.

Officer Rouse is a member of Task Force Argos, the special unit that investigated the case of two Australian men who sexually molested a boy for six years, providing video of their crimes — and even paid sexual encounters with the boy — to an “international syndicate” of pedophiles called the Boy Lovers Network.

Mark Newton, 42, was sentenced to 40 years in federal prison last week by U.S. District Court Judge Sarah Evans Barker. Authorities say Newton and his partner, Peter Truong, 36, paid a Russian woman $8,000 to give birth to a boy they said was conceived using artificial insemination with Newton’s sperm. The men began sexually abusing the boy before he was two weeks old, recording the acts on video they shared online with other pedophiles.

For her part, Gorham professes to be “shocked and disgusted … revolted” to learn the truth about Truong and Newton, but says that in 2010, “I felt no sense anything was wrong. For all intents and purposes this appeared to be a loving family and a loving household.”

Maybe if the New York Times had not so successfully suppressed the facts about the Ukrainian terror-famine, Walter Duranty would have said the same thing when the truth about Stalin was revealed. Yet there is no evidence Gorham deliberately covered up for Newton and Truong because she sympathized with pedophiles, whereas Duranty’s Communist sympathies were quite obvious. Still, it’s possible Gorham will merit consideration for the 2013 Duranty Prize for Journalistic Mendacity.

Perhaps not coincidentally, while Truong and Newton’s crimes were reported by the Indianapolis Star, the New York Daily News and the Sydney Morning Herald, the New York Times appears uninterested in covering the atrocities committed by the Boy Lovers Network. However, the Times did find space today to publish yet another article on sex abuse by Catholic priests. It’s a good thing Newton and Truong weren’t Catholic — otherwise their crimes might be what editors of the New York Times considers an actual scandal.

About the Author

Robert Stacy McCain is co-author (with Lynn Vincent) of Donkey Cons: Sex, Crime, and Corruption in the Democratic Party (Nelson Current). He blogs at The Other McCain.

Voir par ailleurs:

Kaitlyn Hunt, Gay Heroine

J.R. Dunn

American thinker

May 28, 2013

In all that’s been said so far about the Florida Juliet & Juliet uproar, very little has been heard concerning the fact that it’s a near-perfect example of a left-wing propaganda effort (gay-rights division).

The story as widely circulated goes like this: Kaitlyn Hunt, a charming, attractive seventeen-year-old lesbian, a « femme » in subcultural terminology, became enamored with a fourteen-year-old schoolmate. In the midst of a bout of puppy love, they incited the hostility of the younger girl’s parents, a pair of « religious fanatics » implacably opposed to all things natural and healthy. Since the lovers were both minors, the sneaky parents waited until Hunt turned eighteen and then swore out a complaint against her. Police arrested her on charges of « lewd and lascivious battery » on a minor child. Although offered a relatively mild plea bargain, she turned it down, and is now facing fifteen years of postgraduate lesbian studies as a guest of the state of Florida.

That’s the popular narrative, as circulated by the legacy media. But as with many such narratives, this one starts to unravel as soon as the actual facts are accessed. The New York Times, long the nation’s gay paper, has in either in a fit of absence of mind or nostalgia for classic journalistic practice published the actual arrest report. A cursory glimpse reveals that Ms. Hunt was eighteen in her first encounter with the younger girl, and not a minor at all. The girl’s parents did not « wait » to spring the police on her. That first encounter took place in the romantic confines of a stall in a girl’s school bathroom. The younger girl then ran away from home and crashed, as we used to say, with Ms. Hunt (whether the two girls planned this together remains speculation, though it seems likely). The night’s activities, according to the report, including use of a vibrator.

Now, there’s plenty here to cause any normal parent to want to unleash the full force of the law. But the most egregious is the fact that the juvenile girl was a virgin when she encountered Ms. Hunt. In other words, the girl was deflowered by Kaitlyn’s Whee! machine. At this point, religious fanaticism of any sort becomes irrelevant, taking a back seat to the natural fury generated by protective instinct. Ms. Hunt is fortunate that she’s only facing the criminal justice system.

It also becomes impossible to deny that Ms. Hunt, for all her charm, is a sexual predator. A capable lawyer should have jumped at that plea deal. Why didn’t this occur?

A likely explanation is that Hunt is being advised by the gay community. Why gays would want consent laws overthrown is not in question. Youth is a commodity in the gay world, a pearl of great price. For gays, both male and female, it’s the younger the better. Skeptics should recall Kevin Jennings, Obama’s « bullying » czar, expressing shock when it was pointed out that he himself had broken the law by not reporting that an older man was sexually exploiting a student under his guardianship. The idea never occurred to him.

This attitude is not alien to lesbians either. Recall Paula Poundstone’s contretemps of a decade ago, or the fact that Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues at one time contained a passage involving a 13-year-old girl being seduced by an older woman. Ensler characterized this as a « good rape, » presumably because it introduced the character to the romance and grandeur of the gay lifestyle.

Gays view consent laws to be imposition on their way of life, to be discarded with the rest of the constraints of heterosexual life.

A major irony lies in the fact that this is taking place in Florida, long the Western world’s pedophile capital. At times it seems that every other week the Sunshine state produces news of one more rape, murder, or ravaging of a child. Who can forget the surveillance tape showing eleven-year-old Carlie Brucia being dragged off to her death by a crack addict?

If by some chance gays do succeed in demolishing the consent laws, along with the legal structure intended to safeguard the nation’s children, they will be giving a green light to predators exactly like that one — something else we will owe to the rainbow crowd.

I have long been convinced that the seemingly invincible steamroller of the « gay rights » movement will be brought to a screeching halt when people become aware of what it means for their children. This seamy underside has been carefully hidden by gay activists such as Jennings with the cooperation of our honest media. The Hunt case may well represent a crack in that façade.

As for Kaitlyn Hunt herself, the most wrenching part of the arrest report deals with records of a phone call in which her fourteen-year-old inamorata begs for reassurance that she actually means something to Hunt, that she’s not simply a throwaway sex toy. Words like these have always gone a long way to instill a sense of responsibility, compassion, and decency in oversexed boys, transforming them into companions worthy of mature women. We can hope they do the same for Ms. Hunt. She’s certainly not going to learn it from the gay world.

Voir de même:

Kaitlyn Hunt


(Express Yourself)


Ville de Palm Bay, Floride, Etats-Unis, de nos jours. Une jeune adolescente de 18 ans dénommée Kaitlyn Hunt, lycéenne fraichement diplômée risque de passer les quinzaine prochaines années de sa vie en prison.

Lycée de Sebastian River, Floride, Etats-Unis, septembre 2012. Une rentrée comme tant d’autres dans ce lycée prestigieux de la Floride, une jeune adolescente dénommée Kaitlyn Hun âgée de 17 ans, cheerleadeuse, bénévole à plusieurs associations caritatives se lie d’amitié avec une de ses jeunes camarades. Elles suivent les mêmes cours et s’éprennent au bout de quelques semaines l’une de l’autre. Elles deviennent des petites amies. Un couple de lycéennes si banale dans ce lycée.

Quelques mois plus tard, Kaitlyn et sa petite amie sont surprises en train de s’embrasser par leur entraineur et Kaitlyn est exclue de l’équipe de basket-ball. En février 2013, elle est arrêtée par la police : les parents de sa petite amie l’accusent de pédophilie. Elle est, alors, renvoyée de son lycée mais deux juges décident tout de même qu’elle peut retourner en cours.

Son enfer ne fait que commencer : les parents de sa petite amie la harcèlent pour ne plus qu’elle voie leur fille et refuse de discuter avec ses parents. « Ils ne nous ont jamais contactés », affirme le père de Kaitlyn, Steven. Au lycée, elle est humilée et insultée quoitidiennement.

En mai 2013, les parents de Kaitlyn décident de créer un « mouvement » pour aider leur fille : ça s’appelera : « Stop the Hate, Free Kate », avec un site internet : « » ainsi qu’un groupe Facebook : et un site pour les gens les aident à financer les honoraires d’avocat : et une pétition en ligne signée notamment par l’actrice Evan Rachel Wood et l’écrivaine Anne Rice : afin que le procureur abandonne les charges. Des produits comme des bracelets, tee-shirts et autres sont alors crées et distribués avec le slogan « Free Kate » ainsi que le slogan « Many One Hearts Family ». Des milliers à travers le monde rejoignent la cause de cette jeune adolescente.

Mais ça ne suffit pas pour que le procureur abandonne les charges : après avoir proposé un arrangement (qui as été refusé) à la jeune adolescente de deux ans en résidence surveillée ainsi qu’une année de mise à l’épreuve pour ne pas ficher aux délinquants sexuels, le procureur s’empresse de vouloir juger l’affaire. L’adolescente risque quinze années de prison : l’audience préliminaire qui devait avoir lieu le 20 juin prochain, aura finalement lieu le 25 juillet prochain et le procès quelques semaines plus tard.

Voir enfin:

La Russie contre l’adoption des enfants par les couples gays


18 juin 2013

La Douma a voté ce mardi, en deuxième lecture, le projet de loi visant à interdire l’adoption d’enfants russes par les couples de même sexe et les célibataires issus des 14 pays autorisant le mariage gay.


La Douma russe a voté mardi en deuxième lecture un projet de loi interdisant l’adoption d’enfants russes par des couples homosexuels ou des célibataires dans les pays ayant légalisé les unions entre personnes de même sexe, un texte visant notamment la France. Ce projet de loi a été approuvé par 443 députés de la chambre basse du Parlement russe. Aucun n’a voté contre.

Il doit être voté en troisième lecture à la Douma le 21 juin, selon l’agence Ria Novosti. Ensuite, il devra encore être approuvé par la chambre haute du Parlement, le Conseil de la Fédération, et signé par le président russe Vladimir Poutine, qui a d’ores et déjà indiqué début juin qu’il signerait un tel texte s’il lui était proposé. Selon le texte voté mardi, l’adoption d’enfants russes est interdite aux «personnes de même sexe dont l’union est reconnue comme un mariage et qui a été enregistrée dans un État où une telle union est autorisée, ainsi qu’aux citoyens de tels États qui ne sont pas mariés».

«L’adoption de ce projet de loi élimine de facto tout possibilité que des étrangers ayant, comme on dit, une orientation sexuelle non-traditionnelle, puissent adopter des enfants russes», a estimé Elena Mizoulina, députée du parti Russie Juste et un des auteurs des amendements, selon des images de la télévision. D’après le texte, les couples mariés hétérosexuels pourraient, eux, encore adopter des enfants russes. Mais les célibataires en seraient privés.

«Un enfant doit avoir une mère et un père», a déclaré le député Sergueï Jelezniak, vice-président de la Douma. «Si un enfant se retrouve avec un couple homosexuel, cela pourrait bien sûr provoquer d’important dégâts et l’enfant pourrait avoir une vison déformée de la réalité», a-t-il ajouté.

Les mariages entre personnes de même sexe sont autorisés actuellement dans 14 pays, dont le Canada, la Belgique, l’Espagne, et récemment la France.

En décembre, Moscou a déjà interdit les adoptions d’enfants russes par les Américains, en réponse à la «liste Magnitski», une loi américaine sanctionnant des responsables russes impliqués dans la mort en prison en 2009 de l’avocat Sergueï Magnitski.

Parallèlement, une campagne de défense des «valeurs traditionnelles» a été lancée en Russie ces derniers mois, et la semaine dernière la Douma a adopté une loi controversée punissant tout acte de «propagande» homosexuelle devant mineur.

Selon la loi, une personne physique risque de 4 000 à 5 000 roubles d’amende (100-125 euros), une personne dépositaire de l’autorité publique, de 40 000 à 50 000 roubles (1 000-1 250 euros) et une entité juridique, de 800 000 à un million de roubles (19 000-23 500 euros). Les sanctions sont encore plus sévères si cette propagande est effectuée sur internet, et prévoient que les entités juridiques pourront être fermées jusqu’à 90 jours. Les étrangers risquent aussi une amende pouvant aller jusqu’à 100 000 roubles, et pourront en outre être détenus 15 jours et expulsés.

Plusieurs ONG, dont Human Rights Watch, ont d’ores et déjà dénoncé cette loi jugée discriminatoire. L’homophobie est largement répandue en Russie, où l’homosexualité était considérée comme un crime jusqu’en 1993 et comme une maladie mentale jusqu’en 1999.

Récemment, plusieurs cas de meurtres de personnes en raison de leur homosexualité ont été recensés dans le pays. Selon un sondage de l’institut Vtsiom publié en juin, 88 % des Russes soutiennent l’interdiction de la «propagande» homosexuelle. Par ailleurs, 54 % des Russes pensent qu’il faut punir l’homosexualité.

10 Responses to Mariage pour tous: Deux papas valent mieux qu’un qu’ils disaient (Two dads can be much worse than one)

  1. […] et sans parler du contre-sionisme palestinien et de nos homosexuels en mal d’un mariage dont plus personne ne voulait, chacun revendique la place de la victime […]


  2. […] que comme déco d’ambiance pour ceux qui, touristes ou nouveaux mariés extrême-orientaux ou homosexuels, en étaient les plus éloignés […]


  3. […] que comme déco d’ambiance pour ceux qui, touristes et nouveaux mariés extrême-orientaux ou homosexuels, en étaient les plus éloignés […]


  4. please see the most popular video on my youtube channel that exposes this in even more detail. I linked to your blog. ABC are protecting pedophiles. @freshchilli deletes her 2010-11 tweets, closes my account. The pedophiles were gay marraige activists whilst being members of and connected to Australia’s gay lobby. Please help me add french subtitles to the video. Many new languages coming soon. Make sure you watch with annotations to find out what the ABC doesn’t want you to know!


  5. my youtube video online at (or my channel above) NOW HAS FRENCH CAPTIONS!~ Afec Francais!


  6. […] Mariage homosexuel: Deux papas valent mieux qu’un qu’ils disaient (Two dads can be much … ( […]


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